Mission & Ministries
George Paiva: george@paiva.net
John Little: john.adhfp@gmail.com
Mission Ministry
This ministry provides assistance in a variety of ways, such as co-payments for medications, support for the Prayer Shawl Ministry and assistance to the community and parishioners.
Contact: Joe Costa
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Offering comfort to members, friends, residents of local nursing homes, and babies, these items are blessed at the service prior to being presented.
Contact: Jean McGrady
Home Eucharistic Visitors
Volunteers who have been trained within the Diocesan Lay Eucharistic Visitors Program provide home Eucharistic visits to those who cannot attend weekly services.
Contact: Mark MacLagan
Altar Guild
Preparing the altar for weekly services, special sacramental services and occasional summer services in our Memorial Garden.
Contact: Joan Hoy
Prayer Chain Ministry
This Ministry offers up in prayer those who have requested shared prayers for themselves or for others.
Contact: Barbara MacLagan
Greeting Card Ministry
Monthly cards are sent to shut-ins or ill parishioners who are unable to attend weekly services, letting them know that they are included in our thoughts and prayers.
Educating children in the Episcopal tradition with an emphasis on teaching them to Know God, Know the Church, and Know the Community.
Contact: George Paiva
Our annual Four-Parish Retreat in October at the Barbara C. Harris Camp and Conference Center in New Hampshire.
Contact: Jenn Paiva
Contact: Manny Almeida
Contact: Beverly Simmons
Maintaining and using wisely the gifts that God has bestowed on us.
Contact: Rita Burke
Church of Our Saviour currently has an Education for Ministry (EfM) group which started in 2018.
Contact: George Paiva